Ceremonial Cacao Sacred Heart, 450g

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Brand: Sunvibe
40 €
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Ceremonial Cacao of the highest quality and purity, Sacred Heart

  • 100% Raw from start to finish, i.e. the temperature never exceeds 45°C.
  • The cacao is organic quality
  • Exceeds Fair-trade standards
  • Hand-picked, jungle-grown and mountain cacao
  • 100% Arriba Criollo Cacao sourced from pure Ecuadorian Heirloom Arriba Nacional Cacao beans

PRO-TIP: Enjoy a cup of ceremonial cacao together with Longevity Mushrooms for a significant synergistic effect. 

Detailed information

Product detailed description

What makes our cacao special

Sunvibe_kakao_prales Sunvibe_ceremoniálne_kakao_prales Sunvibe_ceremoniálne_kakao_prales_rawSunvibe_ceremoniálne_kakao_meditácia

Heirloom Criollo Arriba Nacional

100% Arriba Cacao from pure Heirloom Ecuadorian Criollo Arriba Nacional Cacao beans - 100% CEREMONIAL QUALITY. It is a wild variety of cacao (without any contamination from the hybridized variety CCN-51). These genuine Arriba cacao trees are at least 30 years old, with some growing for over 80 years!

Mountain, jungle grown cacao

This cacao is grown in high-elevation highly mineralised volcanic soil that is brought down from the mountainous regions via donkey back. We guarantee the purity of our 100% Arriba cacao by selecting the pods personally by hand and only when they are fully mature and ripe. The trees are only nourished from rain water or deep mountain spring water.

100% Raw

Cacao is always Sun Dried, never gas dried. The cacao remains 100% Raw from start to finish as it never exceeds 45C. It is Phytic Acid free. The cacao is processed in state-of-the-art facility on 100% custom artisan equipment that has never seen any other cacao but our own, so there is no possible integration with lesser quality cacao.

Purity and quality

Because this is such a pure quality cacao bean, there are Zero jitters due to complete lack of mycotoxins, mold, yeast and fungus (which cause an adrenal response thus the jitteriness which is similar & associated with caffeine stimulation in many cacao products). Instead, our cacao beans help to create a cosmic conscious connection and cause pineal gland expansion. (personal experience).

100% Arriba Cacao from pure Heirloom Ecuadorian Criollo Arriba Nacional Cacao beans - 100% CEREMONIAL QUALITY. It is a wild variety of cacao (without any contamination from the hybridized variety CCN-51). These genuine Arriba cacao trees are at least 30 years old, with some growing for over 80 years! This cacao is grown in high-elevation highly mineralised volcanic soil that is brought down from the mountainous regions via donkey back. We guarantee the purity of our 100% Arriba cacao by selecting the pods personally by hand and only when they are fully mature and ripe. The trees are only nourished from rain water or deep mountain spring water. Cacao is always Sun Dried, never gas dried. The cacao remains 100% Raw from start to finish as it never exceeds 45C. It is Phytic Acid free. The cacao is processed in state-of-the-art facility on 100% custom artisan equipment that has never seen any other cacao but our own, so there is no possible integration with lesser quality cacao. Because this is such a pure quality cacao bean, there are Zero jitters due to complete lack of mycotoxins, mold, yeast and fungus (which cause an adrenal response thus the jitteriness which is similar & associated with caffeine stimulation in many cacao products). Instead, our cacao beans help to create a cosmic conscious connection and cause pineal gland expansion. (personal experience).

Country of Origin: Ecuador

Importer: Sunvibe s.r.o.

Portion size: 2tbsp (28 g)

Amount of servings: 16

Ceremonial dose/strong>: 30-50g

Recommended for children: 15g

Best before: according to the date indicated on the packaging

To use the full potential of this ceremonial cacao, it is recommended not to exceed the temperature of 55°C during preparation. One of the preparation options is to mix the required amount of cacao with other ingredients together with warm tea, or heat it in a pot after mixing. Of course, even with the traditional method of preparation, i.e. by dissolving it in a hot liquid (eg tea) you will appreciate the unique quality of this ceremonial cacao!

Whether you prepare cacao for ceremonial use or want to connect with yourself for a moment during the day, become present or energize, it is always good to approach ceremonial cacao (preparation and consumption) with intention, joy, openness, and it will guide you further.

Ceremonial cacao is delicious both in the morning and in the evening. It can be part of your morning ritual where you can follow up, for example 15 minutes of meditation, gentle yoga or writing a diary, one's plans, etc.

Certified Organic Cacao Paste

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ED Avatar of author | 4.2.2024
Kakao výnimočnej kvality, s hĺbkovým účinkom pri ceremoniálnej dávke a jedinečnou chuťou. Ideálne na terapeutickú prácu, ale aj na rekreačné, či gurmánske užívanie :) Určite túto špecialitu odporúčam každému, kto by rád zakúsil esenciu a jemnú energiu kakaa.
Avatar of author | 26.1.2024
Hmmmm...zatiaľ naozaj najlepšie kakao, aké som mala!Jemné v chuti, bez horkosti, a za mňa aj bez potreby ho vôbec niečím prichucovať alebo zjemňovať jeho chuť. Pritom je silné v účinkoch. Kakauko jemne, láskavo ale priamo vezme človeka za ruku na krásnu cestu do srdca a emócií. Do seba, do zraniteľnosti (v ceremoniálnej dávke a občas aj v homeopatickej:). Skvelý pomocník a sprievodca! Vďaka Ti, Filip za takýto poklad!
JL Avatar of author | 14.1.2024
ooo .. krása .. zatiaľ najlepšie kakao aké som kedy pil .. tak lahodné a nežné a pritom cítiť tú silu (nielen nutričnú :)
HN Avatar of author | 9.1.2024
Mala som uz rôzne druhy ceremoniálneho kakaa. No toto je v niečom iné...pocitovo. Proste neopísateľné slovami, no posnažím sa.. Číri intenzívny pocit otvárajúce ho srdca...lásky, sprítomnenie a zároveň let. Ďakujem, že máme možnosť sa dostať k tejto úžasnej a takto kvalitnej medicíne ako je táto ☺️❤️🪬
F Avatar of author | 1.12.2023
Ak hladéte kakao najvyššej kvality a čistoty, už nemusíte, našli ste ho. Úprimne a s integritou môžem napísať, že je to špecialitka na svetovej kakaovej (ceremoniálnej) scéne, nielen tu doma u nás.

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